The Next Phase
It's been more than a year since I've posted an official update. Eliza is now a sophomore in high school. She's busy with school, choir, piano, church, musical, and her friends. As you can see from the shoes in this picture, Eliza has come so far. These aren't great shoes for her to wear, but the fact that she can put them on and walk is amazing. Even last year this couldn't happen. Though she has some challenges with her left leg and foot still, they are relatively minor and it doesn't stop her from participating in most activities.
Chronic pain is still part of her life, but thankfully it isn't as debilitating as it was before her surgery. Now the pain seems to be focused mainly in her knees. As I mentioned in the last blog post a year ago, Dr. Novacheck recommends additional surgery to re-align her femurs. This surgery (bi-lateral femoral de-rotation osteotomy) will straighten her legs and relieve some of the pressure and pain in her joints, especially her knees.
In a couple of weeks we will travel back to Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare in St. Paul, MN for surgery. For Eliza, and the rest of us, it is hard to face. We know better what we are heading into this time. The good part is that we trust Eliza will be stronger and have a greater quality of life because of the surgery. Benefits will be life long as having her legs in better alignment will hopefully prevent joint deterioration that she is at risk of currently.
After spending most of a week in hospital, we will move Eliza to an extended stay hotel for the first few weeks of recovery. Since she won't be able to bear weight on either leg, she will need full handicap accessibility and, after our experience with her previous surgery, we know waiting to travel will be easier on her (and us!). We are so grateful to my parents for making the trip with us, and staying with us in St. Paul. That will allow Dan to return to Traverse City for work once Eliza is settled.
The next couple of weeks will be full of preparation. Watch for more updates as we travel.