Monday, December 24, 2018

A Very Over Due Update

It's been a very long time since I gave a report on Eliza's progress. She healed well from her femur surgery, actually better than anticipated. Within 8 months she was dancing on stage as Cosette in Les Mis.  I'm sure most people seeing her today would have no idea what she's been through if they didn't know her story. At her one year follow up appointment at Gillette last winter, Dr Novacheck was very pleased with how she healed and how hard she worked in recovery to rehabilitate and learn to walk again. 

Now Eliza is a senior in high school. Besides her school work and friends, she is busy with 2 choirs at school, singing in the praise band at church weekly, being the choir council co-president, taking piano and voice lessons, and youth group. She is happy and full of life. It's all we could have asked for and honestly more than we expected. 

Here are a couple of pictures of holiday choir activities. 

Later this we we head back to Gillette Children's Hospital in St. Paul, MN. Eliza will have another gait analysis to confirm that everything is lined up as intended. Then the following day she'll have outpatient surgery to remove the hardware from her knees. Though Eliza will always have challenges, we are happy to be *hopefully* wrapping up this long journey. 

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