Monday, November 3, 2014

Better Each Day

Here’s Eliza on the way to school last week.  Sorry for the delay posting, time has gotten away from us.  The update tonight is that Eliza went from going to school for a couple of hours at a time 2 weeks ago, to staying for the whole day last week.  Today was the first day she went with crutches and not the wheelchair.  Pain seems much lower now and the swelling is less, even when she is up on crutches.  As she has started bearing some weight on her foot, she reports that the soreness is not the same as the ongoing pain she has dealt with for years.  That allows us to be cautiously optimistic that the surgery took care of the chronic pain.  It will probably be several more weeks or months before we know for sure.  We all look forward to her follow up appointments and cast removal back at Gillette Children's Hospital later this week.  Praying for a good report and that she will ready to move onto physical therapy.

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