Tuesday, October 14, 2014


It’s been awhile since I updated everyone.  Though recovery is slow, Eliza seems to get a little better every day.  Since coming home, she has enjoyed visits from friends and family, movies, cooking shows, card games, and a lot of sleeping.  This week Eliza has been able to start catching up on school work.  Yesterday she even had a short piano lesson over facetime in our living room.  Hopefully next week she can start back to school.  She’ll try some partial days first and see how that goes.  In the meantime, she’s had a couple of outings, the first to a concert (pictured above) and last night to church for dinner.  Fresh air and a change of scenery seem to do Eliza a world of good.  The challenge she faces in getting back to a regular routine is that her leg still swells and becomes painful if it isn’t elevated.  Also, she wears out pretty quickly.  She is getting stronger and stronger and no longer needs a lot of the medications which were causing her to sleep through much of the day.    The prayers, cards, visits, dinners, love and concern mean so much to all of us and it helps more than I’m able to express in writing.  Thank you all so much.

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