Friday, October 3, 2014

A Good Day

What a huge difference this afternoon!  Pain is under good control now and that, combined with a couple of days of recovery and regaining strength, have made all the difference.  It was a busy day.

Dr. Novacheck, the orthopedic surgeon, visited a couple of times and he is pleased with Eliza’s progress.  We are so grateful to him and the other staff at Gillette for all their care and compassion this week.  Hopefully she will be discharged in the morning.

PT worked with Eliza to get in and out of her wheelchair safely and to be able to go up and down a few stairs since she will need that skill to get into and out of our house.  She picked everything up quickly and should be in good shape for getting around while she is still non weight bearing for the next few weeks.

Each evening volunteers host activities and tonight was the first night Eliza felt up to participating.  Some of the players from the University of Minnesota Lacrosse Team were working with the patients and their families to make art with fall leaves.  After such a full day, Eliza is worn out and sleeping soundly.  She is more of her friendly, chatty self than she has been all week.  What a blessing!

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