This morning began with having a hard cast put on Eliza’s leg. This was a very painful process because her leg was moved around quite a bit, the incisions had to be cleaned, and then her foot held tight at a 90o angle to her leg while the cast was set. She now has a lovely purple cast and the stability should help overall with her recovery. The plan was to take away the iv pain medication today, start PT, and take x-rays but after the casting process there was still a lot of pain and she was worn out, so now all of that is added to tomorrow's agenda.
After a long nap and recovery time, the nurses got Eliza into a wheelchair and we took a walk around the floor. Eliza said that it felt really good to get out of her bed for awhile and have a change of scenery. In the second picture you can see the Minnesota State Capital.
Frequently there are therapy dogs on the floor visiting the patient rooms. Tonight two different dogs and their owners came in to see Eliza. That was definitely another highlight of the day. Over all she is doing much better and we see that she is stronger each day. It was a big surgery on Monday and there is a lot of healing that has to happen. That’s what we have to remind ourselves when there are set backs. This afternoon when her leg was especially sore and I was lamenting how sorry I was for the pain, Eliza said, “Mom, they cut my bone and put it back together with screws and a plate. It’s going to be sore!" She understands better than any of us and those are the facts.
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