Monday, February 13, 2017

Feeling The Love

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day.  As we continue our stay in Minnesota we feel love from so many different people.  Over our several week stay, we have had the chance to get to know many of the staff at the hotel.  They all greet us each day and check in with Eliza to see how she is doing.

We enjoy the cards, care packages, calls, facebook and blog comments, and texts from people all over the country that care about Eliza and her recovery.  

We've met another family at the hotel that is here for an extended stay while they wait for their new house to be built.  After talking to them a few times at breakfast, they showed up one day with a basket for Eliza.  The little boy thought that might help Eliza feel better.  

Today Dan surprised us from Traverse City with possibly the sweetest Choral Aire singing Valentine ever.  What a nice call this afternoon!  All of these are great examples of Grace that show up just when they are most needed.

Our time here is drawing to a close.  We know there are challenges to face with this transition, like traveling in a plane and car for hours at a time, and figuring out how to get Eliza's wheel chair 
around our very non-handicap accessible home.  I think we are all ready to figure it out though, as we are very anxious to be home.  She still has a long road ahead of her, but each day continues to bring signs of improvement.  

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