Eliza and I made a very quick trip back to Gillette this week for another recheck. We had some crazy travel issues, but we made it there and back and had a good appointment. The day started out so beautiful as we took off from a very overcast Traverse City airport and then enjoyed the sunrise above the clouds.
Though Eliza hasn’t ridden in the wheelchair for a few weeks now, it did feel like great progress to return it to Gillette. It was definitely a help for the most challenging weeks of recovery. Now we wish the next patient that needs it well, while being thankful that Eliza’s turn is over.
Dr. Novacheck said that Eliza continues to heal well. The X-Rays show good bone regrowth. Now the instructions are to work hard at PT to rebuild strength. He challenged her to be off crutches when she goes back to school after Christmas break. By spring she will hopefully be dealing with much less surgery pain and swelling with weight bearing and can hopefully be able to better participate in many physical activities. For nearly 2 years she has been so limited in what she is able to do, we are excited about the possibilities.
Sometimes you don’t really appreciate what you have until you don’t have it anymore. I hope that is a lesson that Eliza and our family will internalize after this experience.